two yellow chairs
Audacious Ideas

Regenerative Niches Unite

Farmers are being recognized as climate change warriors. When they adopt regenerative practices, they can suck carbon out of the air, improve soil health, and create diverse ecosystems. Its radically beneficial on many levels and I love it.

But I don’t live in a rural environment, my neighborhood is covered in pavement. Surely cities have players who are regenerative practitioners, too. Right? All ecosystems need to be nourished in some way.

What about repair/reuse practitioners, like reupholsterers? Don’t they fill a regenerative niche? They strengthen the social fabric, diversify the economy, and reduce natural resource consumption by extending the life of goods. Plus, they keep money flowing locally and are often independently owned.

They add economic, social and environmental resilience. In a climate emergency, isn’t that what we’re striving for?

Regenerative agriculture is an exciting inspiration to many. Could there be a time when reuphosltery commands half as much positive attention? I mean, padded seating occupies space in nearly every building in the world. What stands in the way?