LFL Lives On through Furniturecycle
It’s time to call it what it is. A crisis.
Over the last year while posting hundreds of photos of beautifully imperfect pieces of furniture on Instagram, I’ve asked this question many times–is this a crisis? Who says, and when? Will the waste industry tell us? No. The furniture industry? No. So, I’m doing it–I’m declaring a crisis. The data is too staggering not to.
Loved Furniture Lasts, my accidental passion project that documented over 50,000 pounds of discarded furniture within two miles of my home in 15 months, of which 89% was reusable, is evolving.
I’m pleased to introduce Furniturecycle, an Idea Lab that explores furniture waste from the bottom up. Our first project is a newsletter. Will you consider signing up and helping to spread the word?
Visit www.thefurniturecycle.com to subscribe today!
Catch us on Instagram too, at @jamifacci